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Choreography Breakdowns
Let's groove
The routine
Part #1 (2:23)
Part #2 (2:36)
Part #3 (2:36)
Part #4 (3:18)
Part #5 (2:44)
All of it (1:47)
Opus One
The routine
Part 1 (First A) (6:16)
Part 2 (Second A) (5:58)
Part 3 (B Section) (7:51)
First Chorus (3:38)
Insertion of 8 eights (3:39)
Part A of the Second Chorus (6:31)
All of it step by step (4:19)
Dance it with music (2:13)
Thank you! (0:56)
Stormy Monday
Part 1 (First Blues Chorus) (19:33)
Dance it with music (1:37)
Part 2 (Second Blues Chorus) (14:41)
Dance it with music (1:47)
Both parts step by step (5:55)
All with music (1:29)
Faster option of the routine (5:57)
Thank you! (0:50)
Crazy Rhythm
Promo (1:03)
Welcome (1:18)
The song of the choreography
The structure of the song and how we construct the material (2:16)
1️⃣ First Chorus / Box Steps (5:41)
1️⃣ First Chorus / Apple Jacks + Full Break (4:10)
1️⃣ First Chorus / First two parts together (2:16)
1️⃣ First Chorus / Part B – Boogies + Gaze Afar (5:10)
1️⃣ First Chorus / Three parts together (1:48)
1️⃣ First Chorus / Suzie Q + Syncopated Break (5:01)
1️⃣ First Chorus / Let's glue the first chorus and dance (2:41)
2️⃣ Second Chorus / Charleston part (7:32)
2️⃣ Second Chorus / Fall Off The Log part (9:24)
2️⃣ Second Chorus / First two parts together (1:25)
2️⃣ Second Chorus / Part B – Itches + Fish Tails (2:21)
2️⃣ Second Chorus / Three parts together (0:50)
2️⃣ Second Chorus / Tack Annies (6:07)
2️⃣ Second Chorus / Let's glue the second chorus and dance (2:13)
3️⃣ Third Chorus / Kicking part + Run Run Break (7:59)
3️⃣ Third Chorus / Mambo part (2:48)
3️⃣ Third Chorus / First two parts together (0:47)
3️⃣ Third Chorus / Part B – Charleston + Double Kicks (6:53)
3️⃣ Third Chorus / Let's glue the third chorus and dance (2:30)
1️⃣ First and 2️⃣ Second Choruses with music (1:44)
2️⃣ Second and 3️⃣ Third Choruses with music (1:37)
1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣ All three choruses with music (2:31)
Your mood – your choice (1:04)
💃🎵🕺From the beginning till the end of the song (3:31)
Thank you! (1:17)
Insertion of 8 eights
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